The Pen is Mightier Than The Dildo

You got a single text. “Come to my office.”

A gulp.

While they’re at work? You think.

Your body tingles slightly. There’s a willing twinge below.

It’s raining outside, but you don’t care. You pop on a waterproof, stick an umbrella up and make the trip across town.

By the time you get to their office the rain has died down and you shake off droplets from your folded umbrella as you enter your partner’s studio office.

It’s dark inside, darker still because all of the windows in your partner’s studio have been dimmed by blinds, closed off from the outside world.

As you approach door to your partner’s small office room in the back of the studio you hesitate for a moment. A buzz comes from your phone.


You do so.

“Come in,” speaks the familiar voice of your lover.

When you enter you find a similarly dark room. Nothing lights it but a single candle on their desk.

They turn their swivel chair around to reveal themselves, wearing full professional attire and sporting a lustful look in their eyes.

A pen dangles alluringly from their mouth as they eye you up with appraising hunger.

With seductive intent they remove the pen from their mouth slowly.

“Ah, I’ve been expecting you” they say. “Now….strip.”

A single item can sometimes make an erotic play session.

The vibrating hum of a magic wand.

The imposing heft of a giant strap on dildo.

The slick shine of a metallic cane.

But what about non-sexual items?

Why relegate adult activities to purely adult items when the often innocuous props around us hold so much sexual potential.

Take the pen, for example.

It’s often said that the pen is mightier than the sword, and I certainly know I’d rather bring a pen into the bedroom then a claymore.

Pens are also more prevalent in sex then you might initially imagine.

Secret notes passed between lovers might be scribed with a pen, for example, and sexual roleplay can use a pen as an alluring, almost phallic object (as alluded to above).

Pens also have the wonderful aspect of ink – permanent or otherwise – which can mark out so much potential.

A blindfolded lover, tied up and bound, for example, could be teased with a pen.

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You could let them see it beforehand before then taking away their sight and teasing them with the object, brushing it against their skin, leaning in close with it before pulling away at the last moment, or writing sweet nothings all over their skin, having them guess what you’ve put down.

You can play with different types of pen for this.

A biro is sharp and juddery. Its plastic frame feels light yet grabbing against the skin. It screams improvisation.

Fountain pens are elegant and refined. They tend to have a metal body, which has more weight about it and feels deliberate when brushed against a person’s body. The chill of the metal adds an additional element and its nib is almost scratchy when finally committed to flesh, much like the claws of a cat.  Perfect for your spanking, scratching and tickling BDSM sessions

Permanent markers bring a sense of sexual fear, anticipation and ownership. They have a strong smell and leave an even stronger mark. Their words are thick, harder to wash off, and make a bold statement. There’s a sense of trust with a permanent marker. The Sub knows they’re always one cheeky decision or one disobedient word away from getting a moustache or other facial decoration that won’t face in any swift time.

Pens can also invite learning, love, and creativity. You could, with your lover/s get a giant roll of huge paper and take turns tracing the edges of each other with a pen. Then you can either use your own outline to make a sexual guide of your body or allow your lover/s to fill your outline with things they love about you, experiences they’ve cherished, and things they wish you could see about yourself that they recognise and adore every day. In some ways it can be the perfect sex toy.

From a teasing perspective the pen can be a powerful tool.

Words written on the breast, chest, back, or booty. A message inscribed on your thighs which are then revealed to a lover in a video made just for them, sent while they’re at work which simply says, “Come and taste me.”

Foot subs can be allured or rewarded with words placed on the top of the foot, decorated on to toes, or left on the sole of the feet. Ink might stain a section of the skin which the Sub must then lick thoroughly off until the foot is pristine once more.

Safety can also be gained through a pen. You can ask an online lover to take a picture of them with a specific message written on to their skin, or a piece of paper, to verify their identity. Images like this are hard to replicate with stock imagery, especially if a date is added to them.

Then, of course, you have non-conventional pens. Pens made for decorating cookies or cakes. Pens that you can use to make beautiful images on each other’s skin before going about slowly and lovingly licking it off each other.

Single dabs can guide a lover’s mouth and kisses, or whole areas can be adorned with icing ink, making for a daunting but delectable challenge.

Yes, the pen is a powerful tool and one that should not be overlooked.

So, when you’re looking for your next thrill why not click off of the usual adult site and, instead, browse through some stationary websites?

Some pens come topped with feathers or figures too. Some with stamps. Some are more beautiful then a sex toy of the same price could ever hope to be.

There’s no saying where your journey might take you but one things for sure – you’re bound to find a new way to play if you turn your mind to a single, unassuming item, rather than the usual adult purchase.

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