When it comes to looking after vibrating sex toys, one of the most important things that you should do is clean them well. This should be carried out prior to the toy’s first use, and every subsequent time after you’ve finished using it.
It only takes a few minutes of your time to clean your vibrator. However, doing this thoroughly is an effective way of eradicating any potentially harmful bacteria that the eye cannot see. If germs are passed onto you, it could result in irritation and/or swelling of your erogenous zones.
Prior to cleaning your vibrating toy you need to establish what material it is manufactured from because if you use an unsuitable cleaning product it could damage your vibrator therefore making it potentially dangerous to use. It should be clear from the packaging or the product description what it’s made from. Cleaning your toy should be done after you’ve finished using it and never put off until the next day.
The use of non-perfumed and hypoallergenic soaps or anti-bacterial sex toy cleaners can prevent you from getting sore and inflamed when you next use your vibrator. How do you effectively clean a vibrator?
Remove the Batteries
Before you begin to clean your vibrator you should first of all remove the batteries. It may seem like an obvious thing to do but you would be surprised by the amount of people who wouldn’t think to do this. When cleaning close to the battery compartment, you should pay special attention because it’s important not to get this area damp or wet. If water or moisture should accidentally seep into the battery compartment, wipe it immediately and make sure it has thoroughly dried out before you put your vibrator away.
Vibrators Made From Plastic
Vibrators that are made from either hard plastic or smooth coated plastic (ABS plastic) should be cleaned using a soft cleaning cloth and either warm water and an anti-bacterial soap, or warm water and an anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner. Use a clean tissue or a soft cloth to wipe or pat your vibrator dry. Always ensure that all traces of the cleaner have been removed before packing the toy away. If you don’t have either of these products on hand, ordinary perfumed soap can be used but it is essential that there are no traces of this left on the toy afterwards otherwise it could lead to vaginal thrush. Plastic toys can also be sterilised with alcohol to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Rubber/Latex Vibrators
If your vibrator is made from jelly rubber or latex then special care is needed as unlike plastic vibrators, these vibrators are porous therefore more likely to harbour potentially harmful bacteria due to their absorbent properties. Use warm water with either sex toy cleaner or anti-bacterial soap before using a soft, dry cloth to dry off. Latex vibrators should be cleaned using an anti-bacterial toy cleaner which is free from alcohol as alcohol can break down latex over time rendering it unsafe to use.
Vibrators Made From Silicone
Silicone vibrators are non-porous so can be wiped clean with a soft cloth and a combination of warm water and anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner or warm water and an antibacterial soap.
Real Feel/CyberSkin Vibrators
Vibrators that are designed to not only look but feel extremely close to the texture of real skin (those made from Real Feel SusperSkin, UR3, Loveclone, CyberSkin or PleasureSkin) can be a veritable playground for germs and bacteria because they have many crevices for them to hide in. Use anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner or an anti-bacterial soap with warm water then pat dry with an anti-static cloth to avoid any traces of lint. To maintain their real feel qualities, you should also apply either a special renewing powder or household cornflour to the surface of your vibrator.
Top Tip – Cleaning your vibrator will not only help it to stay free from potentially harmful germs and bacteria but it should also help to extend its lifespan.